
If you have been selected to participate  on a jury, this section will provide you with information on what to expect when you arrive for the trial.

You need to bring your jury summons and picture ID with you. On arrival on the first day of the trial, you will be directed to an assigned area or room.  The sheriff and judge will provide you with further details about your role and responsibilities.

It’s best to make a plan before you depart for the courthouse – consider things like:

Court is a very formal environment and there are some rules and protocols that can be helpful to know before arriving.

Instructions for Jurors

Before the trial begins, the judge will give instructions about duties as a juror, including information like:

You do not need to know anything about the law to serve on a jury. The judge will explain legal terms and the law that you, as a juror, will consider on the matter, as well as other things you will need to know during the trial.